
Tips To Help You Attract Renters on Airbnb

Leveraging Airbnb as a way to develop passive income using vacant properties you own has become a popular way for many to make some extra money. But what exactly helps those who make a great deal of income via the platform stand out from the crowd? What do you need to do in order to help your property attract the renters that you need to build a lucrative income stream for yourself? Let’s take a look at a few of the top tips to help you attract renters via Airbnb.

Conduct regular maintenance on appliances to ensure they’re in working order.

As a homeowner, Airbnb users are going to hold you to the same expectations they would as if they were a renter. This means that they expect your home to not only be attractive and well-kept but that all of the amenities you advertise are functioning optimally and providing them with the anticipated benefits. The good news? In the digital era, you don’t have to go through the trouble of sourcing a repair technician for each of your properties and dealing with the hefty fees. Companies like Virtual Appliance Repair make it easy to connect with experienced technicians via video chat that can walk you through diagnostics, troubleshooting, repairs, or even installation. With their support, they can guide you through fixing your washer, stove, dryer, or beyond to ensure that everything on your property is working perfectly!

Make renovations that can enhance the value of your property.


Many Airbnb properties are visually stunning, providing renters with a high quality of living and gorgeous layout that they can enjoy on their travels. If you believe that investing in your property might benefit you, now would be the perfect time to tackle a renovation or a remodel. Let’s imagine that your bathroom is in need of a new tub because your old bathtub is stained and cracked. Reaching out to experienced contractors in your area that handles tub replacement can be the first step in making sure that renters want to come to your property. Once you have your new tub installed and ready to go, you can then focus on design and stocking up on everything you need to keep guests happy.

Give renters the tools they need to fully enjoy their space.

One of the biggest perks of many Airbnb properties is that renters get a full home to themselves, with one of the biggest perks being an entire kitchen. The problem? Many hosts won’t offer the necessary cookware or utensils that renters need to enjoy this space. You can go above and beyond by purchasing high-quality cookware and making sure that guests have plates, eating utensils, drinkware, and more. When you highlight this in your listing, it’s sure to be a perk that helps you distinguish yourself from nearby properties.

Offer perks that set you apart from other hosts.


The previous point might seem like a given to some prospective hosts. However, if you want to go above and beyond, you might consider doing small things that your guests will appreciate and applaud you for in your online reviews. For example, if you want to make sure that guests feel welcomed and relaxed, you might create a nice little welcome basket with self-care essentials. You could also do something nice for them like using an airport cab service to pick them up or offering some free passes to a show and directions to various places they might wish to see. While your listing and your property play a big role in your success, so too does the quality of your hosting.

Airbnb can be a great way to generate income if you have an available property to rent out. Use the tips above to attract renters once you decide to list your home on the platform!

Written By
Daniel McCarthy
Management Consultant | Contributing Writer
Daniel McCarthy

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