
5 Problems You’ll Face When Fixing Up an Old House

Buying an old house is both challenging and exciting. There’s so much work that needs to be done but at the same time, picturing the end result is what keeps you going. Before you get started on the renovation, there’ll be some obvious areas that need your attention. However, as the renovation continues, new problems will arise. If you’re not sure what to expect, here are five problems you are likely to face when fixing up an old house.

Inefficient Heating System


If you begin to see a hike in your energy bills, it might be signs of a malfunctioning thermostat or the entire HVAC system. And getting a new thermostat is a good investment. The world of thermostats has evolved a great deal. But quite a lot of people still use old ones which may have outgrown their efficiency. On the market today, you could get a new smart thermostat or a programmable thermostat that responds and adjusts to all weather situations at any time of day.

Surface Dirt

Usually, one of the noticeable features of an old house is the thick and heavy dirt on walls, glass windows, wooden floors, and other surfaces. Depending on the size of your home and how old it is, this dirt can be hard to remove through DIY means. Luckily, some companies have invented their own tools and methods to simplify the surface dirt removal process.

If you’re in North Carolina’s Greensboro, NC Labor Panes can provide a quality service in getting all the grime off your surfaces. The company uses pressure washing methods to create a uniform cleaning pattern that efficiently removes mold and surface dirt. They have experts for your window cleaning and gutter cleaning services as well.

Plumbing Issues

What’s an old house without a leaking sink or roof to play the part? Some plumbing issues may be very noticeable, but others may only come to bear when it’s too late. In fixing your old house, do well to ensure a thorough check with technicians, so you don’t leave any leaks behind. It might also interest you to know that lead pipework was the order of the day for old-time plumbers. For heritage homes built before 1990, it’s very likely your pipework has copper pipe fittings joined with lead solder.

Recent studies have shown that using water from very old pipeworks, especially drinking, may have some health concerns. About 18 million Americans drinking from old pipework are at risk of lead leaching. For adults, this situation can lead to neurological problems. At worse, it can cause delays in brain development for children.

Old Wiring


The life expectancy of wires is about 50 years. This depends on the quality of the cables. In some situations, some cables can last for a lot less. The issue with old wires usually manifests in the breakdown of cable insulation and then other more damning symptoms. Normally, these wires are hidden, and you can only tell their age by how old the houses are.

Generally, you can never go wrong with rewiring an old house. It saves you all the risks. There are a lot of things that could trigger an electrical fire. From unattended appliances to faulty switches and wires in old homes.

Asbestos Sheets

Usually, one of the dangerous features of older homes is asbestos and its implications for the settlers. The use of asbestos sheets to roof homes was a widespread trend in the sixties and seventies. Even when its related health concerns became common, it was still in use until somewhere in 1990. Now, the U.K. has a strict ban on asbestos roofing sheets together with several other countries. But the USA still imports the materials in large quantities.

According to research, all forms of asbestos can cause mesothelioma and other chronic respiratory disorders. It pays to check out some of these things before it begins to drain your wallets in the form of medical bills.

Written By
Elena Hicks
Investment Advisor | Contributing Writer
Elena Hicks

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